Abaqus fracture and failure

The world is nonlinear: 8 benefits of using Abaqus

Benefit 6: Fracture/failure

Abaqus offers different tools to assess material rupture or crack growth. When field failures occur, these can be analyzed to simulate the post-failure effect on the entire system, potentially evaluating the design of “fail safe” devices. Abaqus offers a general framework for modeling bulk material damage and failure over a wide range of materials (composites, metals, concrete, etc.) and structures. This framework allows simulation of damage initiation and propagation without the need to specify any initial imperfection in the structure. One example is the advanced ductile failure technique which allows to model ductile metal failure simulation considering the effect of stress triaxiality on the damage properties.
Stationary crack modeling is available to assess fracture parameters such as J-integral, T-stress, stress intensity factors for three different modes, crack propagation direction and Ct stresses.
Crack propagation modeling can be used for crack initiation and crack growth analyses. The Cohesive Zone Method (surface-based and element-based) and Virtual Crack Closure Technique (VCCT) are available in both Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit. Using these techniques, crack propagation can be modelled along predefined interfaces, such as bonded sheets and other composites.
Stationary and moving cracks can be simulated with the Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) in Abaqus/Standard. XFEM is used to study the initiation and propagation of a crack along an arbitrary, solution-dependent path. It is available for three-dimensional solid and two-dimensional planar models. A big benefit of the XFEM approach is that it is mesh-independent, as cracks are not forced to initiate and grow along the finite element boundaries, but they can propagate through it. Furthermore, there is no need for the crack growth path to be known in advance.

Abaqus benefits

Abaqus Benefit 1: Abaqus nonlinear performance
Abaqus Benefit 2: Abaqus contact modeling
Abaqus Benefit 3: Abaqus efficient substructures
Abaqus Benefit 4: Abaqus multiphysics
Abaqus Benefit 5: Abaqus large deformation
Abaqus Benefit 6: Abaqus fracture and failure
Abaqus Benefit 7: Abaqus development & support
Abaqus Benefit 8: Abaqus pricing

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