30 Nov Abaqus 2022 release available
This post provides information on new and enhanced functionality delivered in the Abaqus/Isight/Tosca/fe-safe 2022 GA release as well as functionality added in the FD (Fix Pack) releases through FD07 of Abaqus 2021. Please refer to the Abaqus Release Notes in the 2022 SIMULIA User Assistance for additional details on these enhancements.
The 2021 FD (Fix Pack) release in which new or enhanced functionality was delivered is indicated below using the convention FDxx (FP.xxxx); otherwise, the functionality was delivered in the 2022 GA release.
Abaqus 2022 key features
- Abaqus/CAE (Enhanced Functionality)
- Mesh and geometry enhancements:
- The ACIS version is upgraded from 2016 1.0.1 to 2021 1.0.0.
- Support for coupled temperature-displacement cohesive and coupled temperature-pore pressure cohesive element types is available in Abaqus/Standard.
- Linear kinematic conversion section control is supported in Abaqus/Explicit.
- Initial gap opening section control is supported for Abaqus/Standard analyses.
- Support for import of CATIA V4 parts and assemblies is deprecated.
- Using the Query tool, you can now specify a local coordinate system when querying nodes, distances, and element face normals in postprocessing.
- Modeling enhancements – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042):
- You can directly import CATIA V5 files as parts on the Linux platform.
- You can specify multiple directory locations in the Abaqus plugin_central_dir environment file parameter rather than just a single path.
- In the composite layup editor, you can use an analytical field to specify the thickness of individual plies.
- For node-based submodeling, you can specify intersection only in the submodel boundary condition so that Abaqus ignores driven nodes found to lie outside the region of elements of the global model.
- Several enhancements are available for the SOLIDWORKS Associative Interface for Abaqus/CAE.
- Material enhancements:
- You can now define bilamina plasticity.
- Material enhancements – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042):
- The Section Manager features a Material column to easily identify the materials associated with each section.
- You can create gap conductance, gap radiation, and gap convection material behaviors.
- For the creep model, you can specify the time type (total or creep) and the Anand, Darveaux, and double power laws.
- For the cap plasticity model, you can specify the time type (total or creep) and the power and time power laws.
- For the viscous model, you can specify the time type (total or creep) and the Anand, Darveaux, double power, power, and time power laws.
- For the Drucker-Prager creep model, you can specify the time type (total or creep) and the power and time power laws.
- For the plastic model, you can scale the yield stress and include the static recovery term with the nonlinear isotropic/kinematic hardening model.
- For the gap flow model, you can select the Bingham plastic or Herschel-Bulkley type to specify how you want to define the flow parameters.
- For the user material model, you can indicate that user subroutine VUMAT contains the effective modulus for an Abaqus/Explicit analysis and specify the hybrid formulation for hybrid elements in an Abaqus/Standard analysis.
- General contact enhancements – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042):
- When you edit individual contact property assignments, you can directly select materials in addition to surfaces for the contact pairs. You can similarly select materials for surface thickness assignments, surface offset assignments, and surface feature edge criteria assignments.
- You can create new types of surface property assignments. For Abaqus/Standard you can create surface beam smoothing assignments and surface vertex criteria assignments. For Abaqus/Explicit you can create crush trigger assignments and surface friction assignments.
- You can activate the small-sliding tracking approach for interactions in Abaqus/Standard.
- For general contact in Abaqus/Standard, you can specify secondary feature edge criteria for surface property assignments and control the smoothness of the surface-to-surface formulation upon sliding for specific interactions and control the edge-to-edge contact formulations.
- For general contact in Abaqus/Explicit, you can specify secondary feature edge criteria and apply feature edge criteria statically or dynamically for surface property assignments and choose which sides of double-sided elements will be considered for node-to-face or Eulerian-Lagrangian contact with another surface for contact formulation.
- Mechanical contact properties enhancements – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042):
- You can specify the thickness that determines the contacting surfaces to be tracked.
- You can define the surface interaction model in user subroutine UINTER in an Abaqus/Standard analysis or user subroutine VUINTER or VUINTERACTION in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis.
- For a surface interaction model defined in a user subroutine, you can specify the number of state-dependent variables and the number of property values that are required.
- In an Abaqus/Standard analysis with user subroutine UINTER, you can use unsymmetric equation solution procedures.
- Job and optimization enhancements:
- SimUnit licensing with DSLS in Abaqus/CAE is supported.
- Job control supports hybrid execution mode.
- Support for PEMAG for sensitivity-based optimization types, Mass Interpolation Material Penalization, and SURF_TURN is available.
- Group operator DRESP_GROUP_OPER_AGGREGATION is always activated.
- Milling in optimization is supported.
- Check node group for member size geometry restriction in shape optimization is supported.
- Optimization enhancements – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042):
- You can now create a stress design response (SIG_SENS_MISES) in a sizing optimization task.
- You can specify plane or cyclic symmetry with a nonsymmetric mesh in a shape optimization task.
- Visualization enhancements:
- Linked viewports usability is improved with select/unselect all buttons and selection persistency between sessions.
- You can now apply operators to X-Y data saved from field output (similar to what is allowed for history output).
- You can include local CSYS (that is, material orientation) columns in the field output report.
- Support for rendering of channel and hat beam profiles is available.
- Visualization enhancements – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042):
- You can now choose the position where selected field output values are written.
- Mesh and geometry enhancements:
- Modeling (Enhanced Functionality)
- In an Abaqus/Standard analysis you can now use more than 16 million nodes on a single computer node – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- You can now specify a spatial distribution by importing data from a user-defined output database (.sim) file – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- Analysis (New Functionality)
- Abaqus/Standard now offers an analysis capability aimed at providing scalable and predictive simulation of three-dimensional thermal-electrochemical processes in rechargeable battery cells based on an extended three-dimensional Porous Electrode Theory (PET) Newman model.
- The fully coupled thermal-electrochemical-structural procedure, which can be used to simultaneously analyze mechanical effects in conjunction with the thermal-electrochemical fields, is available in the 2022 GA release.
- The coupled thermal-electrochemical functionality was first available in the 2021 FD05 (FP.2108) release.
- Abaqus/Standard now offers an analysis capability aimed at providing scalable and predictive simulation of three-dimensional thermal-electrochemical processes in rechargeable battery cells based on an extended three-dimensional Porous Electrode Theory (PET) Newman model.
- Analysis (Enhanced Functionality)
- Elimination of the .sup file simplifies the substructure functionality, file management, and naming conventions, while ensuring backward compatibility in future releases.
- You can now request design responses and adjoint sensitivities for a three-dimensional linear model that includes inertia relief. You can also use various group operators for nodal design responses – 2021 FD07 (FP.2124).
- You can now use a single substructure generation procedure to generate a symmetric, an unsymmetric, or both a symmetric and unsymmetric instance of the stiffness and damping matrices, which produces results of improved quality at the usage level. You can also perform parametric studies by controlling the amount of unsymmetry in the substructure stiffness matrix at the usage level – 2021 FD07 (FP.2124).
- Element results output performance is substantially improved in response spectrum analysis procedures – 2021 FD06 (FP.2116).
- You can generate data for flexible body dynamics in Simpack in a natural frequency extraction, which speeds up the process workflow – 2021 FD06 (FP.2116).
- Additional enhancements improve the usability of importing external fields – 2021 FD06 (FP.2116).
- The matrix check feature now allows you to treat problems reported by the matrix check for substructures and generated matrices as errors – 2021 FD05 (FP.2108).
- You can now use the cyclic symmetry analysis technique in explicit dynamic analyses to reduce simulation time and memory usages – 2021 FD04 (FP.2050).
- The iterative linear equation solver can handle large distributing couplings efficiently using a newly developed algorithm along with a new convergence check. These changes result in improved performance of the iterative solver using the constraint preconditioner – 2021 FD04 (FP.2050).
- Using field import allows for a greater variety in the choice of driven variables in Abaqus/Standard. The approach also reduces the preprocessor memory requirements, which is beneficial in very large models – 2021 FD04 (FP.2050).
- The improved interface method for co-simulation is computationally more efficient and handles constraints on the co-simulation interface – 2021 FD04 (FP.2050).
- The size of the models that Abaqus/Explicit can solve is increased significantly with this release – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- The performance of element output in linear analysis procedures is substantially improved – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- You can now import an external field to define distributions, initial conditions, and history-dependent fields in a sequential analysis – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- You can now specify secondary base motion in local or global coordinate systerm in modal transient and steady-state dynamic procedures – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- The AMS eigensolver is enhanced to support GPU acceleration on Windows platforms – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- The adaptive mesh refinement feature now allows you to improve the contact for Eulerian-Lagrangian contact interfaces – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- The iterative linear equation solver is enhanced to support modeling features with Lagrange multipliers, such as hybrid elements, connector elements, distributing couplings, and hard contact – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- New naming conventions and a change for volume fraction thresholds are implemented in the special-purpose techniques for additive manufacturing – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- You can now request design responses for implicit transient dynamic analyses and the corresponding adjoint sensitivities with respect to topology, sizing shell thickness, and sizing lattice design variables – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- The matrix check feature now allows you to modify the tolerances for checking substructure and generated matrices. For substructures, the numerical condition is calculated and potentially insufficient definitions of retained nodes are identified – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- You can now perform a sequentially coupled pore pressure-stress analysis that accounts for the effects of a known pore fluid pressure field.
- Import enhancements – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042):
- Abaqus now provides the capability to transfer nodal temperature and field variables from an Abaqus/Standard or Abaqus/Explicit analysis to an Abaqus/Standard or Abaqus/Explicit analysis when the material state is imported.
- You can now transfer model data and results of element sets or part instances multiple times from an Abaqus/Standard analysis to an Abaqus/Standard analysis.
- You can now include the temperature degree of freedom in a crack propagation analysis using the extended finite element method (XFEM) – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- Materials (New Functionality)
- You can now use Abaqus cure modeling capabilities to analyze the evolution of material properties and strains during curing processes – 2021 FD06 (FP.2116).
- The ply fabric damage initiation criterion with bilamina elasticity and shear plasticity now available in Abaqus/Explicit extends the modeling capabilities of bidirectional fabric-reinforced composites – 2021 FD04 (FP.2050).
- You can now use the Valanis-Landel hyperelastic model to analyze material behavior – 2021 FD04 (FP.2050).
- You can now model metallurgical phase transformation during additive manufacturing processes or heat treatment processes – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- The LaRC05 damage initiation criterion is now available in Abaqus/Standard, and the Hosford-Coulomb damage initiation criterion is now available in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- Materials (Enhanced Functionality)
- You can now use constant or linear extrapolation to evaluate the yield stress outside the specified data range.
- The multiscale material model now supports additional elements, which enhances the Abaqus capability to model fiber-reinforced composite laminates – 2021 FD07 (FP.2124).
- You can now model almost incompressible materials with the low-density foam model – 2021 FD04 (FP.2050).
- You can now specify the time-temperature shift function of thermorheologically simple (TRS) materials in tabular form – 2021 FD04 (FP.2050).
- You can now turn rate-dependent yield and friction on and off within a step, which provides you more control over the simulation – 2021 FD04 (FP.2050).
- You can specify material properties as functions of material point state by introducing a field variable dependency and associating the field variable directly with a material point output variable – 2021 FD04 (FP.2050).
- Band-limited damping in Abaqus/Explicit provides damping focused on intermediate frequency ranges, whereas stiffness proportional (beta) damping focuses on high frequencies and mass proportional (alpha) damping focuses on low frequencies – 2021 FD04 (FP.2050).
- The modeling of short-fiber reinforced composites is improved – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- User control of transverse shear stiffness for shell elements when using user-defined material behavior is now available in Abaqus/Explicit – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- A local stabilized method involving pressure projections into the strain space is now available to eliminate spurious oscillations in a consolidation analysis – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- Elements (New Functionality)
- You can now define full coupling between the six section strains and the six section forces and moments for a meshed general beam section and assign this section to element types B31 and B32.
- New 3-DOF warping elements extend the meshed cross-section generation capability for composite beams such as those found in wind turbine rotor blades – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- You can now use linear kinematic conversion in Abaqus/Explicit to improve simulation robustness – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- Elements (Enhanced Functionality)
- You can use a material definition to define the material properties of a general beam section – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- Channel-shaped and hat-shaped beam section types are now available in the standard beam cross-section library – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- Distortion control is now available for C3D10 elements in Abaqus/Explicit – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- You can now use distributions to specify layer thicknesses for composite elements and use wedge (triangular prism) elements with a composite solid section definition – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- Interactions (New Functionality)
- Step-dependent contact activation and initialization and deactivation are available for general contact in Abaqus/Standard.
- Automatic activation of edge-to-edge contact for all of the general contact domain improves the quality of the solution and usability of Abaqus/Explicit dramatically.
- A new dynamic allocation strategy for internal elements and nodes associated with general contact in Abaqus/Standard provides significant performance gains across models with a large range of characteristics.
- Interactions (Enhanced Functionality)
- “Softened contact behavior is improved to allow nonzero pressure at zero overclosure and contact pressure as an exponential function of the clearance between surfaces in general contact in Abaqus/Explicit.
- The evolving feature edge approach has similar accuracy and is more computationally efficient than considering all edges for edge-to-edge contact (regardless of feature angles) throughout a simulation – 2021 FD04 (FP.2050).
- Abaqus terminology usage is changed from “master” to “main” and “slave” to “secondary” to replace obsolete terms. Main and secondary are used to describe independent (main) and dependent (secondary) roles of nodes and surface entities in the context of contact and constraint formulations. Often you may not need to be aware of these roles in using Abaqus, but it is sometimes helpful to understand these roles to improve perspective on results and overcome some modeling issues – 2021 FD04 (FP.2050).
- Default “hard” contact behavior is improved to reduce penetrations when foam materials are involved in general contact in Abaqus/Explicit – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- You can now define initial predefined field variables by importing field data from an output database (.sim) file.
- To improve robustness, Abaqus/Standard considers the rotational degrees of freedom of cloud nodes in the rotational constraints of distributing couplings by default – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- Dynamic feature edge criteria are used when you specify that all feature edges for a contact surface should be activated – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- The new dynamic memory management approach for solid erosion problems often results in dramatic memory reduction and 10% reduction in simulation run time – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- Prescribed Conditions (Enhanced Functionality)
- You can now define a distributed nodal pressure load case analysis involving substructures in Abaqus/Standard to study the linear responses of a structure subjected to nonuniform pressure distributions – 2021 FD06 (FP.2116).
- You can now specify initial conditions by importing data from a user-defined output database (.sim) file – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- Execution(New Functionality)
- The new abaqus fromsimpack translator reads Simpack matrix data from a binary Flexible Body Interface (FBI) file and creates equivalent matrix data in an Abaqus SIM file – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- Execution(Enhanced Functionality)
- The abaqus adams translator performance is improved for the case when no recovery matrix (or a small recovery matrix) is written to the modal neutral file – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- You can now use the abaqus make utility to create Abaqus user subroutines in individual dynamic link libraries or shared objects – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- Parallel execution of Abaqus/Explicit is now available in hybrid mode using a combination of MPI and threads – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- Flexible body dynamics workflow enhancements – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042):
- The new FORMULATION parameter for the *FLEXIBLE BODY option allows you to generate different versions of the flexible body for the AVL EXCITETM flexible body dynamics solver from AVL LIST GmbH or the flexible body for the ADAMSTM flexible body dynamics solver from MSC.Software Corporation.
- You can create an EXCITE binary (.exb) file for the EXCITE multibody dynamics solver as part of an Abaqus/Standard analysis.
- The abaqus toexcite translator includes additional command line options. You can use the hide_mesh command line option to avoid writing the element nodes, connectivity, materials, and properties to the EXCITE binary file. You can use the recovery_matrix command line option to write the recovery matrix to the same EXCITE binary file as the other data or to a separate EXCITE binary file or to specify that the recovery matrix is not written.
- For the abaqus substructurerecover utility, you can specify the node set names and the element set names for results output to help reduce the amount of output and the output database size for large-scale analyses.
- Enhancements for the abaqus fromnastran translator – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042):
- The new cshear command line option controls whether CSHEAR elements are translated to Abaqus SHEAR4 elements or to user elements.
- Translation time is significantly reduced for large models containing millions of composite shell elements.
- Thermal expansion coefficients for RBE2 elements are translated to the ALPHA parameter on the *KINEMATIC and *KINEMATIC COUPLING options.
- The global structural damping coefficient PARAM,G is translated to the *GLOBAL DAMPING option even if the damping coefficient is negative.
- When translating Nastran DMIGs to matrix data in a SIM file, the translator automatically creates a second Abaqus input file that references that SIM file and creates an Abaqus substructure that can be used in downstream analyses.
- Output (New Functionality)
- You can use the new ODB Reducer/Builder plug-in (now included with Abaqus/CAE) to take portions of an Abaqus output database to create a new, smaller output database – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- Output (Enhanced Functionality)
- An output request for contact variable CSTRESS in a general contact Abaqus/Explicit analysis now triggers the following output:
- Contact pressure CPRESS (available in previous releases).
- Magnitude of the nodal frictional stress CSHEARMAG (new in this release). This output is computed as the magnitude of the nodal frictional force divided by CNAREA.
- In previous releases, element output was unavailable for all connectors in modal analysis procedures. Element output is now available for the following connection types when there is no connector motion associated with them:
- New contact output variables for nodal contact area (CNAREA) and nodal frictional work (CFRICWORK) are available in Abaqus/Explicit – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- You can now request the Lode angle term output at an element material point – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- An output request for contact variable CSTRESS in a general contact Abaqus/Explicit analysis now triggers the following output:
- User Subroutines (New Functionality)
- You can now use user subroutine VUGENS in Abaqus/Explicit to define the mechanical behavior of a shell section.
- You can now define your own element design response based on either the stress tensor or the plastic strain tensor of the element integration points using user subroutine UELEMDRESP – 2021 FD07 (FP.2124).
- New user subroutine UHYPER_STRETCH provides an easy method for defining a model when the hyperelastic potential is formulated in terms of principal stretches instead of strain invariants – 2021 FD04 (FP.2050).
- You can now call utility routine GETPHYSICALCONSTANT from any Abaqus/Standard user subroutine to obtain values of physical constants defined in an Abaqus/Standard analysis – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042).
- User Subroutines (Enhanced Functionality)
- User subroutines FRIC_COEF and VFRIC_COEF are enhanced to allow friction coefficient dependence on additional contact slip variables – 2021 FD04 (FP.2050).
Isight 2022 key features
- New Functionality
- Sobol Sequence DOE technique now supports imposing constraint on factors
- Enhanced Functionality
- SIMULIA Execution Engine now supports Oracle 19c database
- SIMULIA Execution Engine now supports Microsoft SQL Server 2019 database
- SIMULIA Execution Engine now ships Apache TomEE 8.0.5
- Abaqus component now supports Abaqus 6.14, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022
- Removed Functionality
- Support for Oracle WebLogic application server has been removed
Tosca 2022
- New Functionality
- Introduction of the New material interpolation scheme (MIMP) for sensitivity based Topology optimization – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042)
- Recommended for optimization setups using both stress DRESPs and mass dependent modeling (e.g. gravity loading or modal Eigenfrequency)
- Improved convergence and stability of the optimization iteration history are frequently shown for all types of applications
- Optimization iteration history is always more stable, convergence is faster in number of optimization iterations and the optimized mass for higher order elements (e.g. C3D10, C3D20R, C3D15) is always smaller using MIMP when the objective is to minimize mass subject to stress constraints.
- Note, that also for MIMP that the new default settings in OPT_PARAM are applied: FILTER_GROUP = DESIGN_AREA and FILTER_TYPE = DV
- Performance improvement of the scaling using multiple CPUs for MAT_INTERPOLATION=MIMP – 2021 FD04 (FP.2050)
- New max member manufacturing constraint based on local volume strategy
- Rib design manufacturing constraint based on local volume strategy
- Supporting Design Variable Filtering for Bead optimization
- Introduction of the New material interpolation scheme (MIMP) for sensitivity based Topology optimization – 2021 FD03 (FP.2042)
- Tosca structure supported solvers
- Abaqus 2022
- The ANSYS® solver interface of Tosca Structure, the TOSCA Extension for ANSYS® Workbench and the MSC Nastran® interface of Tosca Structure are only available as controlled availability modules. The further usage of these interfaces will be possible through an authorization which will be delivered by Dassault Systèmes on request.
- fe-safe 2022
- Femfat 5.4a
- Tosca Fluid
- TOSCA Fluid will only be available as controlled availability product starting with the version 2022x. The further usage of this product will be possible only through an authorization which will be delivered by Dassault Systèmes on request.
Download and install Abaqus (and fe-safe/Tosca/Isight) 2022
The procedure to download Abaqus 2022 is similar as the Abaqus 2021 procedure and is shown in the video below.
Do you need more info?
If you need more info about Abaqus 2022 release, do not hesitate to contact us or write us an email to sales@4realsim.com